Tokyo's 'oldest man' had been dead for 30 years
a . word
1, mummify
context:they uncovered mummified skeletal remains lying in his bed.
definition:past tense and past participle mummified, present participle mummifying, third person singular mummifies
2, investigate
context:Police are now investigating the family on possible fraud charges.
definition:to try to find out the truth about or the cause of something such as a crime, accident, or scientific problem
3, Welfare
context:Welfare officials had tried to meet Mr Kato since early this year.
denfinition:help that is provided for people who have personal or social problems
c .
I think this news is very eerie too.
I can`t understand their action.
Why have they left his dead body for 30 year?
this news is reported in Japan.
I think there are a lot of eerie case as this in Japan.
This is an very eerie, strange story, isn't it! By the way, you don't have a definition for "mummify," just grammatical explanations. But don't worry about it. This is good enough.