In Hot Weather, Know the Warning Signs of Heat Disorders
a . word
context : The causes of heat stress include wearing heavy clothing, physical work or exercise, hot weather and high humidity.
definition : the amount of water contained in the air
context : The person loses large amounts of body water and salt in perspiration.
definition : liquid that appears on your skin when you are hot or nervous
3.heat exhaustion
context : Untreated heat stress can lead to a more serious problem called heat exhaustion.
definition : weakness and sickness caused by doing too much work, exercise etc in hot weather
This summer is too hot.
So, We need to drink more than two liters water in hot weather.
In addition, We are careful foods and clothes in hot weather.
Especially, small children, older adults and those who have the disease diabetes are more careful Severe heat increases problems.
This article is useful for me, and so interesting.
Good work! It is hot, isn't it!