
Next Google Chief Knows Company; Jobs' Latest Leave at Apple

a. words

1. liver
context: Two years ago Mr. Jobs received a new liver.
definition: a large organ in your body that produces bile and cleans your blood

2. pancreatic
context: In two thousand four he had pancreatic cancer.
definition: a gland inside your body, near your stomach, that produces insulin and a liquid that helps your body to use the food that you eat

3. faithful
context: Apple has been a driver in some things and they have been a faithful adopter of good ideas in others.
definition: remaining loyal to a particular person, belief, political party etc and continuing to support them

Apple and Google are big company in the world.
Steve Jobs is too busy.
so, he shuld rest and relax.





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Anxious Students Gain on Tests by Writing About Fears

Anxious Students Gain on Tests by Writing About Fears

a, words

1, cognitive

context: I talk about it as your cognitive horsepower that you could otherwise be
using to focus on the exam.

definition: related to the process of knowing, understanding, and learning something

2, reappraise

context: What we think happens is when students put it down on paper, they think about the worst that could happen and they reappraise the situation.

definition: to examine something again in order to consider whether you should change it or your opinion of it

3, all of a sudden

context: What we showed is that for students who are highly test-anxious, who'd done our writing intervention, all of a sudden there was no relationship between test anxiety and performance.

definition: suddenly

I was interested this news and this way.
But I can`t understand this way a little.

What kind of thing should we write concretely before an exam?


Japan's year of triumph in space

Japan's year of triumph inspace

a. words

1. astrology

context: In Chinese astrology, the tiger is supposed to represent movement, restlessness, and travel — which, happily, is perfect for my purpose.
definition: the study of the positions and movements of the stars and how they might influence people and events

2. renowned

context: Earth asteroid Itokawa (named after renowned rocket scientist Hideo Itokawa, popularly known as "Dr Rocket").
definition: known and admired by a lot of people, especially for a special skill, achievement, or quality [= famous]

3. numerous

context: There were numerous problems with communication and propulsion systems that delayed its scheduled return in 2007, but JAXA scientists solved them elegantly.
definition: many

This blog's name is "Space Brother".
So, this news is concerned with "Space".

This achievement make Japanese people happy.

For Arizona Girl, a Life of Hope With Tragic Endpoints

For Arizona Girl, a Life of Hope With Tragic Endpoints

a. words

1. funeral

context: On Thursday, a flag recovered from the World Trade Center in New York flew outside the church where her funeral took place.

definition: a religious ceremony for burying or cremating (=burning) someone who has died

2. congresswoman

context: A neighbor had invited Christina to meet her congresswoman at a "Congress on Your Corner" event near a store.

definition: a woman who is a member of a congress, especially the US House of Representatives

3. council

context: The third-grader had recently been elected to the student council at school.

definition: a group of people that are chosen to make rules, laws, or decisions, or to give advice

This news made me sad.
In Japan, We rarely see such a seen.
Therefore, When I heared the news, I was afraid of America.
And I noticed that Japan is a peaceful society.


New Law in US Aims to Increase Food Safety

New Law in US Aims to Increase Food Safety

a . words

1. poultry
context: A new law called the Food Safety Modernization Act will govern all foods except meat, poultry and some egg products.
definition:birds such as chickens and ducks that are kept on farms in order to produce eggs and meat

2. inspection
context: It calls for increased government inspections of food processors.
definition: a careful examination of something to find out more about it or to check for anything wrong

3. legislation
context: The legislation could cost the government almost one and a half billion dollars over five years.
definition: a law or set of laws

This news is very deep.
Certainly, I think gorvenment needs to check foods.
But, if there are more money and no risk,
I encourage to think again.